Shadowlands Zones

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Shadowlands zones. A complete searchable and filterable list of all shadowlands zones in world of warcraft. One of the choices you re going to have leveling through world of warcraft s next expansion shadowlands is deciding which of the game s expansions to go 10 to 50 in. The shadowlands were originally intended to be a fully playable zone in world of warcraft designed for high level play. In shadowlands players will have access to six new zones.
There are a lot of options the burning crusade wrath of the lich king the post cataclysm world of azeroth cataclysm s at the time endgame mists of pandaria warlords of draenor legion and finally battle for azeroth s. In the center will be the city of oribos which functions as the main player hub similar to shattrath city in outland in the burning crusade or dalaran in wrath of the lich king and legion. In this overview we will go through all of the new zones that will be available in the shadowlands expansion. What is the new zone levels across each continent.
Here i will share what the zone levels look like in the shadowlands expansion. Chromie time is a new feature added with the shadowlands pre patch that allows players to level from 10 to 50 in any zone they desire. One main hub zone four leveling zones and one max level exploration zone. The shadowlands will feature five major zones bastion ardenweald revendreth maldraxxus and the maw.
The idea was that as deceased characters made their way back to their corpses they d see high level players battling creeps in the area which would inspire lower level players to increase their character level so they could experience the zone for themselves. The leveling zones are as follows. The shadowlands features 4 new leveling zones for players to explore with each having a distinct theme dictated by the ruling covenant.