Shadowlands Class Changes

Here is everything you need to know about the new update for the world of warcraft shadowlands expansion.
Shadowlands class changes. Changes to all classes. Shadowlands class updates are still in development and subject to change. These summaries include announced changes datamined changes and changes observed first hand in shadowlands alpha and beta. Overview of the class changes coming in shadowlands the wow expansion after battle for azeroth unpruned abilities.
Death knight demon hunter druid hunter mage monk paladin priest rogue shaman warlock warrior. Class and spec changes for shadowlands for a detailed look at all of the class and spec changes coming for shadowlands check out our class change summaries for each class. In addition to bringing back old abilities we ll get new ones via covenants as well as anima powers that upgrade our spells to aid our progress in torghast. In shadowlands we re getting class wide access to abilities that had been locked to certain specs as well as old fan favorites back to make classes feel more interesting.
Class changes more wow shadowlands patch notes 9 0 2 for you.